Gandalf, when prompting Théoden to get him to understand from his memory who might have brought the forest to fight the Orcs at Helm's Deep, states (bold added):
It is not wizardry, but a power far older ... a power that walked the earth, ere elf sang or hammer rang.
The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, Book III, Chapter 8: "The Road to Isengard"
Théoden does not solve the riddle at that time, but eventually learns the power Gandalf speaks of that summoned the forest are the Ents, the Shepherds of the Trees. So Gandalf is stating that the Ents "walked the earth"before (ere) elf sang.
Yet it is the elves that taught the Ents to speak, as Treebeard testifies:
It was the Elves that cured us of dumbness long ago, and that was a great gift the cannot be forgotten
The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, Book III, Chapter 4: "Treebeard"
Part of the process of learning to speak appears to be the "old lists" of living things, for
Elves made all the old words: they began it [the list]
It seems that the list is designed to sing, but that may not be so. Still, that Elves were speaking implies they were able also to sing, and circumstantially, it appears that Tolkien's history would flow something like this:
- Ents were created fully capable of walking and shepherding the forests (having such power as exhibited here to move a forest overnight) prior to ever having speech.
- Elves were created and thus began to sing.
- Ents were taught by the Elves to talk.
But in fact, the trees that moved to Helm's Deep were, as Merry testifies in a discussion (bold added):
The Huorns, or so the Ents call them in "short language". Treebeard won't say much about them, but I think they are Ents that have become like trees, at least to look at. ...
'There is a great power in them, and they seem able to wrap themselves in shadow: it is difficult to see them moving. But they do. They can move very quickly, if they are angry. ... They still have voices, and can speak with the Ents—that is why they are called Hurons, Treebeard says—but they have become queer and wild.
So it could be the power Gandalf referred to that is "ere elf sang," which brought the forest, is the "great power" within the Huorns themselves. Yet Huorns are distinguished from trees in part precisely because "they still have voices," which means they are a creature related to the elves teaching the Ents to speak (whether Huorns are directly related to Ents or not).
This implies a few possible alternate historical orders:
First option
- Ents were created fully capable of walking and shepherding the forests (having such power as exhibited here to move a forest overnight) prior to ever having speech.
- Elves were created and could speak, but did not yet sing.
- Ents were taught by the Elves to talk.
- Huorns come about, whether from evolving trees that the Ents taught to communicate or from devolving Ents, but they obtain a voice.
- Elves begin to sing.
Second option
- Ents and Huorns (whether evolved trees or devolved Ents) were created fully capable of walking prior to either ever having speech.
- Elves were created and could sing.
- Ents and Huorns were taught by the Elves to talk or Ents were taught by Elves to talk, and Huorns by the Ents.
Third option
- Ents and Huorns were created unable to walk (or Ents shepherd) the forests.
- Elves were created and could speak, but did not yet sing.
- Ents and Huorns began to walk at the time they were also taught by the Elves to talk.
- Elves begin to sing.
So the questions related to all this are:
- Is it recorded when Elves first sang in Tolkien's history/writings? Did they always sing from first being created or not?
- How does their being able to sing fit historically in time with the power that brought the forest? That is, which power is Gandalf more directly referring to as being older than Elves singing—the power of the Ents or the power of the Huorns (or is it both, and this is a "proof" text that indeed the "walking" trees are related to one another in some way)?
- Is it discussed in Tolkien's writings that the Ents (and/or Huorns) did walk prior to ever learning how to speak?
Ultimately all these questions are seeking to figure out what is the proper timeline for Elves singing in respect to Ents (Huorns) walking and talking, and thus was there a period of time in which the Elves talked, but did not sing; and a period of time in which the Ents/Huorns walked, but did not yet talk.